Good Election Day Morning Everyone!!!!
I remember as a young child, going to the poling locations where my Mom or Grandma were volunteering. Seeing all of the people flooding in, the ballots being handled out, ballots being put into the locked boxes and the stickers at the end. It was something that I looked forward to participating in when I got older.
Today, my Boys had the day off from school and I took the day off of work to spent it with them. It doesn’t always happen, but today I was able to take my Boys with me when I voted.
We walked into our poling location and I handed over my driver’s license. As I was being handed my ballot, one of the Poll Workers said “Have a great time voting! Have a great rest of your day! Hey Boys, go watch your Mom vote and be proud of her!” It was sweet and put a huge smile on my face.
I voted and we each got a “I <3 Voting” sticker.
I encourage everyone to do your civic duty and vote!