Sunday, May 24, 2020

Do Good Works!

I happened to see this Jim Carrey quote while scrolling through Facebook. It made me stop and think, who would really do that? I kept scrolling and thinking about it. And then it hit me! Over the years I’ve seen so many posts about people volunteering and essentially humble bragging about it. I’ve probably been guilty of it too!  Why?!

Doing something for someone else should be about helping out and doing it with the kindness of your whole heart. It shouldn’t be about getting attention to feel good about what you’re doing. 

It doesn’t matter how big or small, but the act of helping someone and giving of yourself, your time, your possessions, or your money is what matters. Whether it has been in the past, it is currently happening or could happen down the road, we all need help sometimes. We need to remember to be there for each other without needing attention or recognition to do it.  

It can be very hard for people to ask for help and if they are in a terrible situation, they shouldn’t be made to feel worse in order for someone to get a pat on the back for doing what is right.  It is very true that you never truly know what someone is going through. And if they reach out for help, just help them, don’t look for a way to promote your good deed. Obviously there is a difference between promoting a fundraiser and taking a selfie while they are donating bags of clothes to a donation center.

I know a man who has been a quiet hero for many people. He gives to a local church food pantry as often as possible, he is always willing to help anyone with moving furniture, anytime there is a need for something, he is the first person to help. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him not open his wallet when approached. He continually gives of himself and wants nothing in return but a simple thank you. He knows how blessed he is and he knows that sometimes people just need a little help. He is a very private man who does what he does out of the goodness of his heart and I choose to keep his identity private. 

In the end, it’s about kindness and being there for one another. 

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