This “pandemic” is different for everyone. Some believe the hype and follow all the protocols. Some go against the grain and go about their business like everything is fine.
Initially, I was going along with the recommendations because I was put on a “self quarantine” order from my job because Mase had gotten sick and it was “inconclusive” on whether it was COVID-19 or not. I was scared for my child! I was looking for guidance from my job on dealing with my time off and couldn’t get any answers or really any response. My anxiety kicked in and I was frantic! The world was shutting down around me and I felt helpless! I drove my family crazy to the point where they didn’t want to speak to me because my mind was going a mile a minute with all of the hysteria that was being fed to me. I took a step back. I started researching and really listening to what was being reported.
In order for me to work, I was told that I have to wear a mask. I have anxiety. Multiple times a day I have panic attacks while wearing a mask. I have a paper that states that I cannot wear a mask for health reasons and that if asked, the person/people can be fined. I cannot use it at work for fear of being told to not return to work. If I don’t work, I cannot provide health care for my family. I was on leave from work for 40 days and finally got my unemployment money at the end of my second week back at work. I emailed my Governor about his mandate and was given a blanket response restating the mandate. Why should people have to put their mental and physical health on the line in order to provide for their families?!
By no means am I saying to completely throw caution to the wind. It should be common practice to wash your hands and if someone is elderly or in poor health then be mindful and keep your distance. If you want to wear a mask, that is your choice. Making it mandatory is completely wrong.
I do personally know of several people who have tested positive and have recovered from COVID-19. We should all be able to go and live our lives unmasked! Standing in lines to enter a store sounds a lot like communist Russia. Wearing masks everywhere sounds a lot like communist China. All they want is control over the masses! Think for yourselves!
And for a little realism and hilarity...if two butt cheeks, underwear and pants can’t hold in a fart, do you really think your mask is working?
I’m sure a lot of people are going to unfriend me over this and that’s ok. I’ve never been the girl who followed along with the status quo, I’ve always done my own thing. Plus, I’ve read and listened to enough of your opinions about this, I think it’s only fair to share my own. So, Free your faces and go live your lives!
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